People who love computer games can play them all day until they tire. But thanks to new developments in the Japanese food industry, fatigue won’t stop them from playing. In Japan, they have found an ingenious and simple solution that helps gamers recuperate as efficiently as possible.

The invention belongs to the company Instant Ramen. Its technologists used unusual ingredients to create Buff Meshi—the same gamer noodles that gamers prefer despite the variety of national Japanese cuisine.

The company is known for inventing chicken ramen in 1958. It was the world’s first instant noodles. In 1971, another discovery was made—quick noodles in a cup. But Nissin didn’t stop there—the appearance of innovative products in its range has become the norm. But even against this backdrop, Buff Meshi looks like a turning point in history. Gaming Cup is the world’s first noodle with added energy.

Along with it, another product that is being launched is Curry Meshi, which has an unusual recipe. It is brewed for about five minutes and covers that category of gamers who belong to rice lovers. In this way, the company has reached out to all categories of gamers and provided them with “buff food”. In the gaming community, the word “buff” is widespread and has a rather interesting meaning – it denotes an increase in attack power and speed, as well as other characteristics of the character. This makes the name of the new product symbolic. That is, gamers get a signal that the food offered will increase their stamina and strength in the real world, as would happen in the game universe.

Nissin’s new Cup Noodle does not contain ramen—instead, the gamer will find yakisoba in their cup. Fried noodles, as they should be, are accompanied by sauce instead of broth. Company representatives explain the decision with relatively simple considerations: it was done so that gamers don’t have to worry about getting their hands or even their gaming devices dirty.

To invigorate avid gamers, these noodles utilize three rather unusual ingredients—caffeine, arginine, and niacin. The product, which hit Japanese store shelves in September 2023, costs about two dollars. Considering that the cup will contain food and an energy drink, it is reasonably symbolic.

Such noodles will suit gamers and those who watch sports broadcasts. Many games gather millions of people in front of their TV sets. An example of such a game is cricket, which, according to statistics, has grown in popularity in recent years. Cricket matches last for quite a long time, and often, their broadcasting takes place at a late hour. In this case, it is necessary not only to refresh yourself but also to energize your brain.

This is especially important if one is watching the game and betting on sports. Betting on cricket has become especially common today, and it is available at almost any major bookmaker. If you explore this website, which is called IPL Betting Apps and it is at the top of the search engine rendition, you can find applications for betting on IPL from well-known bookmakers. Therefore, it is convenient to place bets directly on the course of the game from your phone.

Proper analytics is critical for successful betting, requiring practical brain work. In such cases, the Mediterranean diet is beneficial. But sometimes, it isn’t easy to prepare something from this cuisine. Therefore, a quick snack of noodles with an energy drink will be a great alternative. However, replacing such snacks with a proper diet is impossible.